ICE 6 for Winamp Clasic. 12/09/2005
My first skin ever. Possibly my only and last skin too.
Very hard work to put one together. Designed after winamp classic.
Same features and layout. Theme'd towards musical aritst and website of ICE 6.
-ICE 6-
Thanx for downloading this version of Reactor console for winamp2+
the EQmain and playlist area has been re-designed to give it more depth,
there have been some changes in some of the buttons
and there is now a minibrowser and AVS with this package.
--={Dark Angel Amp}=--
v 1.0
Author : Matt Nelson, info-is@in-file
Website :
ICQ # : 110731686
Date : 05/24/01
--={ Comments }=--
A Skin based on one of my favorite TV shows, Dark Angel.
I really love Mononoke Hime. Unfortunately, I think this skin turned out a bit
muddled/cluttered. I'll keep working on more of them though, this movie
has such beautiful art!
info-is@in-file ...
this skin was made using JASC PSP 7.
Ben Harper is god. Go buy Live From Mars. It is his best CD.
Thanks to everyone in the skin love forum and on devart for helping me.
This skin also has mikroamp support and animated cursors.
Pe ...
Fever Amp:
Inspired by the vibration of Kylie...
Tried to give a feeling of High-Tension Power, smoking under a surface of restraint, just waiting to shake your soul with some good loving!
This skin was made to be my regular skin, so sorry if you ...