RatchetsGame Winamp Skin
Mark "Ratchet" Thorne
last update: 30/10/01
I created this skin to go along with my new website (which, funny enough, is not even near completion). You can check out the future ratchetsgame.com website at http://develop.ratchetsgame.com (thanks for hosting me Deep!).
All graphics on both the website and this skin were created by yours truly. I'm aware that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but plagarism is definitly not appreciated.
Please don't send me an email requesting the "font" I used for the window titles. I drew the titles, pixel by pixel, using photoshop.
You can send comments or questions to info-is@in-file or, alternatly, info-is@in-file.
You can download updated versions of this skin online at http://www.ratchetsgame.com/
You may redistribute this skin as long as this readme.txt file is included, unaltered, in the package. All other files must be included, unaltered, as well... In short, don't mess around with this .zip (or .wsz, whatever it is).
You may _not_ reuse or reissue this skin or any of the components (graphics or otherwise) it contains and claim it as an original work.
v2.0 10/29/01
- added custom animated cursors
- added a "saw-blade" icon to the main skin
- added the missing AVS window title text
- cosmetic adjustments to the blue framework
- smoothed out the volume slider action
- posbar button a bit longer (+2px to be precise)
- matched the "presets" button in the EQ to the other buttons
- matched the EQ sliders to the volume and balance sliders
- matched the main titlebar "font" to the more popular "fonts" on the PL & MB
- matched the EQ slider background color to the other windows
- changed the MONOSTER (mono/stereo) indication icons
- cleaned up some stray pixels in the Main and Mini-Browser windows
- fixed some mismatched pixels in the PL pop-up menu button things
- fixed a small AVS bug
- made it so it _should_ show a matching logo in the MB on startup
- removed the 48k rg-skinshot.gif from the package (oops)
v1.1 - 10/27/01
- added MikroAMP skin on request
v1.0 - 10/27/01
- initial release : October 27, 2001
faq answers (guess the questions)
- I made it using Photoshop 6.01. I hear PaintShop Pro is pretty good so if you can't "afford" Photoshop, you might want to check that out. I personally haven't used PSP since I got Photoshop v3 a couple years ago.
- the "fonts" I used aren't fonts at all. I created every character in the skin pixel by pixel and, as such, I can't send a font file to you simply because one doesn't exist.
- dodge and burn
- because I like those colors.
- no I'm not going to change them to suit your tastes better. It's subjective -- some people hate them, other people love them...
- yes I will skin other things to make a "matching set". Email me, or send me a Deviant comment, or a PM on the Winamp forums, or ICQ me at 2864487.
- yes I'm considering doing a liteSTEP theme
- yes I really really love lots and lots of feedback.
- I'm not very good at making desktop wallpapers so don't hold your breath
- yes I'm from Newfoundland
[ Ratchets Game ]
Streambox Ripper v1.2 by Barta
Based on Streambox Ripper's GUI. SR is is a program
that converts CD and S ...
- - - G32amp - - - sungjee yoo
- - Basic Purple - -
b r uma,
people cheering me up,
y o u
- - Made for 'The War of Genesis' - -
Hey All
This skin was made cos well, I didn't feel like studying just yet...
Hope u like it... it's only my first skin and is just experimentation cos I got bored, there are prolly bugs with the skin but I can't be bothered to fix them up yet.
AD ...
Yo! It's me again.Now I'm back with CHEVY skin.the previous skin . I've been doing this skin shorter than the previous one.I hope you like my new skin. Was it worth downloading?
And another thing:
Simon & Milo's Hot Show AMP v1.0
START: April 19, 2000
FINITO: April 24, 2000
Pics from www.prozzak.com without permission (plz don't sue!). Send comments/criticizms/whatever to info-is@in-file or ICQ19100067
[ Fan o' ] "Cre ...
Original Skin Data for Winamp
Created by masa
Date Dec.22.2000
Thanx for downloading this file.
This ZIP file is including:
Futerayn V1.0 for WinAmp 2.x
First of all, thanks for downloading my skin :).
Please also give comments (if possible) about the skin on the site you
downloaded it from. That way Iknow what to improve and what not.
Send ...