Winamp 2.x skin
CamelAmp v1.0b
Author: Matt Brown
Purpose: Boredom
Based on: Camel Cigarettes
// Requirements:
// install notes:
Throw the *.zip file into ...
///ALPINE CDA-W551mp
Les presento la CUARTA VERSION de la serie
CDA DC-550 de mi máscara para WINAMP, que
incluye un Main Window, un Equalizer, un
PlayList Editor y un MiniBrowser mejorados
con cientos de cambi ...
Generic Silver - by Klae Ryan
This skin is a ripoff of any silver skin you've ever seen.
It is not unique.
It is like everything you've ever seen.
The idea came from constantly trying to make silver style skins like the ones you see everywhere. I ...
A WinAMP Skin by
Khamura - info-is@in-file
This one's for you, hide... wherever you are.
Hello all you happy people! ^_^
With the revamp of my first two hide skins finished, I had so many ideas ...
winman SONY V6.5b
Created by Eduardo Maldonado Rus for WINAMP 2
The "SONY" lo ...
Happy 4th of July! And yes, I have nothingbetter to do than to
finish this Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne skin ^^ Sad, ne? Heheh
Anyway, this is a picture from one one of the goodies that come
with the manga that I scanned and then colored in myself ...