Kate Beckinsale AMP v1.0
Alex Luu - info-is@in-file
Please DO NOT use this skin or any of its parts
for your own projects or publish it as your own
work. Thank you and enjoy.
make shift (winamp skin)
skin design, layout and artwork property of joe psota: info-is@in-file..
other skins include opalescent, the creation series and a series of smashing pumpkins
skins found at :
and www.skinz.org...
New Idea 2: Blue Glass
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
Thanks for D/L'ing!
Also, Please don't post this skin on your site or use parts of it in your skin without my permission! Just ask me--I'l ...
Here is another Utena skin! It's from an ad for the new Utena movie that is
coming out soon in Japan. Wow, this movie looks funky! Not that the
series itself isn't surreal in the extreme, but the new character designs
are a bit different, ...
This skin uses images from assorted 14C and 15C Florentine manuscripts I tried to pick ones, mainly of famous Florentine structures which worked well together.
Hope you enjoy it. ...
MooAMP Wide Screen - skin for Winamp 2.0+
Version 2.6
What is MooAMP Wide Screen?
MooAMP WS is a skin for Nullsoft's Winamp 2.0 or later. It completely changes the original
sty ...
Clean and easy on the eye. Have fun.
- shankar
1 Changed button text
a) Add -> File (instead of Sel)
b) Sub -> Sel (instead of File)
2 Changed selected button color
a) Sub -> S ...