Created by Sadko Djozo
skin for Winamp 2.9x
skin version: 1.0
date completed: 22. 11. 03.
Skin created in MS Paint.
Skin'ed Areas:
*Main Window*
You can send comments or questions to
or alternatly,
X 1999 by Clamp
"Digital Green"
Date: 28 August 2002
[For Winamp 2]
Green , bright green, dark green, green.
I was in a "greenish mood" and
the picture of Satsuki with her Beast
caught my attention.
Then, ta da.....
Digital Green -- the prod ...
t i m e h o s t a g e
u p d a t e d
we do not control time
it controls us
therefore, we are all hostages of time
357 Magnum
Created by- Natasha Powers
Web Site- http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/foottap/1127/waskinz.html
e maill- info-is@in-file
This is a cool metallic skin inspired by the RajlOamp2k_Special_Edition. Thanks for the inspiration Raj! The ...
Donkey Kong skin for Winamp (winamp 2.x only... 3.x version coming soon)