This skin was made with Photoshop and Jellby's Skinner's Atlas, for Winamp 5.2.
Marta Martins aka Encore
Email me --> info-is@in-file
Or visit my page @ DeviantART -->
Angel Sanctuary! Once again I succumb to the temptation of makig more
Angel Sanctuary skins! I can't help it, the artwork is so awesome!
info-is@in-file ...
for Winamp 2.9x
Author Evgeniy Samoylenko
All windows are fully skined, all cursors are animated.
Enjoy it!!!
P.S. Say something about this skin, please!!!
My E-Mail info-is@in-file
I'm 16 years old.
I live in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Thank you for downloa ...
Thanks Shoots out to: The Massinova Project: For inspiring me to make this skin, teknosys: For all his suggestions,
sin: for saying my skin is 'l337'.
Don't rip this, I'm not gonna ask nicely. You rip, you die. Period.
Email: info-is@in-file
icq: ...
*****MEXICOAMP AND ME 1.0****
Esta skin fue elaborada por
Nosferatu Vázquez
info-is@in-file -------->Yahoo! Messenger
info-is@in-file ------>MSN
http://www.geociti ...