I just thought I should tell you all who use my skin that if you take
away the Region.txt file you can see the parts that I've made
transparent and if you wonders about anything you can mail me on
and I'll try to response to you as quick as
****Goofy ride 1.01****
designed by:
Tommy Persson
; This region info generated by Winamp region.txt generator which is made by Maxim.
; http://winamp.mwos.cjb.net
; Note to skin authors: You can remove these comments so long as you leave one copy of the two lines above.
NumPoints=4,4,4, ...
TribalWar.com Companion Skin
DwarfVader 2005, info-is@in-file
Made for your visual utility:
-100% completely customized for WA versions 2.x, 5.x plus MikroAmp, Album List and Announcer plug-ins
-+MikroAmp users will notice a customized "Now Playing" ...
Classic Brick: This skin was taken from the Colour-It-In skin and changed to suit my desktop colours, plus the Gen.bmp, Genex.bmp and Video.bmp sections were added also...
TenPlus1 ...
"Hugs & Kisses" Featuring Yuusuke and Noelle from the anime series
Tenshi ni Narumon! aka I'm Gonna Be An Angel!
Made by Ash
Completed on 10/31/02
Wow...my 12th skin. But who's counting? XD I forgot when I started this
skin. In total, it took about ...
Enter the pipeline!
This is my second skin.
I made this skin also with
psp 6.0
I hope you enjoy it!
Greetingz Rog_Nelis
If you have any questions you
can mail me at: ...
by Slobodan Gregoric
This skin is for all Partizan fans.
Hope you enjoy it.
If you have some question, please send me e-mail to
Thanks to WinAmp! ...