Metalamp v 2.00
My name is jone this is one of my well done skins
and I am were happy with it.
This skin were made the 19 august 1999 17:07
The skin got a original name but I couldnt find
any better name.
E-mail me at: info-is@in-file
I made the skin with the programs:
paint shop pro 5.00
windows 98 paint
skinner 0,27 (only main)
adobe photo shop 4.00
Its a short readme but I dont care!!!
Metalamp v 2.00
Raymond's FORM-AMP skin.
Hi everyone.
This is my first (offifcial) skin. It supports the Equalizer, Playlist and Minibrowser.
This skin is NOT supposed to look like Windows 95, but look like a form that you can create wi ...
Thanks for downloading SpursAmp
This is my first WinAmp Skin
Hope you like it
Skin Name: SpursAmp v1.961 - Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (T.H.F.C.)
Author: Mike LuciferLuthier
Email: info-is@in-file
Web Page: Mike's Guitar Site - http://www ...
----GENESIS Ver1.0----
-------Done By--------
Thanks for downloading my new Winamp skin Genesis..
i hope you like it..
I've regioned the Area Near the Buttons., To Give it that
Cool transparent effect..
Genesis ha ...