Tundra Winamp Skin 1.5 - Classic Skin
Actualizated with bugs fixed
by Paulo Antunes
January, 2nd, 2005 - Happy new year!
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Enjoy Experience! :D
Thanks as peoples with dowloaded a first version!
(And veeeeery much! 5.000 downloads for a first skin ist very!)
Detail. This is a second skin published in a my life!
Tundra Winamp Skin 1.5 - Skin Clássica
Atualizada com erros consertados
por Paulo Antunes
02 de Janeiro de 2005 - Feliz ano novo!
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Fabricado no Brasil
Desfrute a experiência (De novo!) :D
Obrigado as pessoas que baixaram a primeira versão!
(E são muuuuuitas! 5 mil downloads só pela a 1ª skin é muito!)
Detalhe - Esta é a minha segunda versão publicada na minha vida!
Winamp this a trademark of Nullsoft Inc.
Thanks for downloading Fingertips.
This is my second winamp skin that I have made.
If you enjoy this half as much as I had making it you are going to be a
happy camper.
ps for skin org you all can do what you want with it as ...
I've made a sleek and sexy Winamp skin. I really liked the simplicity of my original bearware skin but alas, it only scored 4 stars. I hope this fares better. Digitool is such a cool name =)
Best Wishes,
spacejazz [a.k.a kendal mcguire] ...
~~~~~~~~~~~~ PIONEER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This skin is for those who love the ultimate
hifi system PIONEER...
This skin was not entirely created by me,
but I redesigned the original skin...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...