Luinil v1.0
by Verónica Mogni
June 2004
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish version below.
Versión castellana más abajo.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned AVS for old Winamp.
Skinned MikroAmp.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned cursors.
DO NOT pass this skin as your work.
DO NOT use elements of my skins for your own projects without my permission.
DO NOT publish it without my permission.
You may edit this skin for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
Por qué Luinil?
Del Silmarillion de J. R. R. Tolkien:
Luinil: nombre de una estrella (que brilla con luz azulada).
No pases este skin como si fuera tu trabajo.
No uses elementos de mis skins para tus proyectos sin mi permiso.
No lo publiques sin mi permiso.
Puedes editar este skin solo para uso personal.
A {
FONT-FAMILY: "Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Helvetica";
COLOR: #397789;
More of Veroka's skins
*** Act2 Finale
*** Created By Raj.I/O in 2000
So WinAmp 3 is on it's way but 2 is still kicking around. Some of you pleaded with me to make another 2.x skin in the mean time, so here is isl My Act 2 finale. This one is probably my last WA2 skin I ...
Skin name: Lime Green Player
Date: 05.06.2003
Author: Caroline Johansson
Email: info-is@in-file
I made this skin for winamp 2.9x and features
* main
* equalizer
* playlist
* video
* minibrowser
* library
* avs ...
This skin is based on Iceamp by Chillibop, which only included the main window. I've tried to track him/her/it down, but failed dismally, so I'm passing this on anyway. I've added skins for all three other windows - equalizer, playlist, and mini browser.