=======Iridium 78========
3.1-Transparency and a couple of fixed bugs
This is actually my third edition of my third skin, though this is the second skin I've published.
This is completely Winamp 2.9x compatible, so enjoy. I've been working on this in what little free
time I have for months now, and finally found the time to finish it. Since I didn't always have time to
think about the layout and design, some of it needs some work. It's not perfect, and has a few small
bugs, but I don't have time to fix them right now (they're minor anyway). Wanted to do mikro amp and DFX, but don't have any time.
If you have any, I'm open to suggestions, feel free to e-mail me @ info-is@in-file
Just put something in the subject that will let me know it's about the skin, so I know it's not spam.
Thanks to Cyana H for the Template Amp, it helped a lot to make this.
Thanks to Maxim for the region.txt editor, awesome tool.
1. Transparency. A couple people were disappointed about the skin not having transparency, and I wanted to add it from the beginning anyway, so here it is.
2. EQ sliders. They had a problem with small diagonal lines showing up in the large white areas. A little paintbrush work later, they are no more.
3. Library text color. For some reason winamp was displaying the text color as green, when I had it set in the bmp as white. Just changed the border and background color in the file to black, and now it works fine.
Thanks to the 159,000 people that downloaded the original. I know a some of the great skins have over 1 or 2 mil dls, but in my opinion 160K is a big deal, especially since my first skin (Prowler Amp 2) just got over 10k in March after being out for 2 yrs (granted, it was a pretty bad skin). Hope this helps fix some of the things that disappointed anyone. Thanks again.
For anyone who saw the version with stripes that I had up on winamp's site for a week (didn't do so good, only got 3 stars, while the original Iridium 78 got 4.5), and for some reason wants it, just e-mail me and I'll send it to you if I can. It was essentially the same skin, but I made the blue areas darker and added a double black stripe down the main and eq windows. Turned out there was too much contrast and it stung peoples eyes. Oops. wasn't that good anyway, so I took it off the site.
As with any skin,
You may not modify this skin without the author's prior consent, and
if you do modify this work and publish it, you must give the author credit, etc.
Greenness version 2.
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{Feel the BLAST!}
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June 6th 2001
This is a free Internet, In a mostly free world.
So, Feel free use it as you like. ...
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Finished: June 14, 2004
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:: Date: 13-July-01 ::
Special Thanks and Recoginition
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