Hand Written by -Drew Brand®.
Hey Look! Winamp on paper!
It's supposed to look like its written in pencil. And look, even the teacher's marked it. She gave it an 'F+'. I hope you can give it a little better...
Updated for Winamp 5 Feb 2006
[[ A T L A N T I S ]]
This will probably be
my last skin for
Winamp 2.xx. I'm
planning to start a
Winamp 3 skin later.
Anyways it took me
two months to finally
complete this skin.
Atlanti ...
Lufia. The Legend, The Legacy, The Skin.
This skin took me months to create since I didn't concentrate on it entirely. I knew someone had to make a Lufia Skin so I could listen to my Lufia songs. And when I found this pic it just said 'SKIN ME' all ove ...
Skin: (J v.2 Updated);
Author: Salamander
Evrything is repainted!!! Cursors are animated, all windows are fully skined!
My E-mail:
Thank you for downloading!!! ...
AMP INSIDER - my first skin release in the wild.
Tom Plantan
Sorry, I am in make-believe land with some comments. I am
just having fun, I am not truly insane.
What does the inside of a winamp ver ...
_ _________OpticBlue v.2________ _
by Nelson Acosta
Version 2.1 - May 29, 2001
Thanks for downloading OpticBlue!
I have made many changes and corrections to this version.
-by Colldawg (info-is@in-file)
-Do not distribute
-My first published skin.
-Everything from the main down to the mikro is skin.
-There's a simple AVS to go with it.
-Also there is also the font Bitsumishi that my skin needs. Install it ...