This skin is based on an image of Red XIII, by Nomura Tetsuya.
As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.
To enable transparency (if you have WinAmp 5) change the name of _region.txt to region.txt.
---[ XpecT ]---
by Zlatko Kreso
Development Time: 1 week (On and off)
Skinned: All windows, yes, even minibrowser
I bet you didn't Xpect this? :P
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Website: ...
-KB- [kick 'n' bass] ...marS
Can you believe it? Only 3 days to make this skin
Its a new record I think :D
Thanx to all you 4 downloading -KB-
for eny comment: info-is@in-file
Special thanx to SMAR ; ...
Mavro II. Dark, yet not gloomy. Sliders that actually tell you something, some subtle transparent areas, plenty of dots and ready for Easter. I updated and polished the graphics for a better (more glas-like) feel and fixed a few small errors.
Mavro, Gr ...
A winampskin to infuriate the majority of
us due to it's cluttered difficult to use
interface. Hope you like it!
Christopher Fisher
info-is@in-file ...
Hover 1.0
Creator - Jesta
Release Date - 6/3/01
Keep an eye out, many updates
coming... Including different color
schemes. Check out
It's the greatest site ever!
-Jesta ...