LareAmp - ver 1.0
Created on 3/23/99 by Lil Lare
A cool blue skin with a footprint design created with Adobe Photoshop 5.
Sony ReplicAmp v2.9.4
This skin has been created as an extension of the Sony ReplicAmp
1.x series by Wasit? Creations. The original readme file text is
included at the bottom of this file.
This skin now includes support for the main window, equal ...
_________Greenoil - 2.9x________
a green skin that works better in a darker room
fixed it up for 2.9x
_- its all green -_
-_-_-******G-R-E-E-N-O-I-L*****-_-_- ...
Made by Daniel Costal
e-mail - info-is@in-file
Thanks for downloading. ...
The Crow Amp - Version 1.3
Designed by Paul S
email -> info-is@in-file
Updated August 19, 1999
Pic added to load list button
Cursor pointers changed
Overall color is darker
"Equalizer" added to equalizer window
Color highlights a ...
Author: Mark Wiseman
Skin: TrinatroN 2
Version: 1.0
Skinned: Everything except cursors
This is my third winamp skin and i really just wanted a plain simple ski ...
Final Fantasy VII
First time finished:07/01/2003
Second time finished:14/01/2004
Thanks to you who have downloaded this skin.
If you've got any suggestions how to improve my
skins, or new ideas for what I could put on Winamp, please send me a ...
"Optimism isn't some stupid glass half full/glass half empty debate. It needs to go deeper than that. It's an acceptance of the knowledge that no matter what happens, we as humans can deal with it, and even more, can learn from it.
If then "
BALAJI Web-Designs: WinAMP Skin
BWD Jukebox v2.0 (3D)
This is the official skin of BALAJI Web-Designs.
Recommended settings:-
Spectrum analyzer - Normal, Peaks & Thick bands
Oscilliscope - Solid scope
Best with the winamp windows tiled v ...