Break the machine MkII! People complained about the lack of minibrower, AVS, Mono/Stereo displayand other such oky-moloky. So now I've broken the rest of it too. Enjoy. info-is@in-file ...
::Tha Skin::
by eltotoX
I made this skin entirely in Photoshop CS, and took me a couple of weeks.
If you want to use this skin in any way or have any comments or questions just email me to info-is@in-file ...
by c-specter
version: 1.0
finished: 08.01.03
my first skin for the artgroup breedArt. it is a part of breedArt's 23th pack with tons of great artwork.
more skins:
http ...
Updates for WinAmp 2.9x
1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use.
its format is similar to the minibrowser's.
In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both
highlight and no-highlig ...