Mac amp purple v0.1 (Public Alpha Release)
Creator : Tim Hobbs (Hobbson)
Date Started : Febuary
Date Of Current Version : 25 July 2000
Bug Reports : info-is@in-file
Known Bugs In This Version :
I was breathing it
it's staring yet
fixed and frozen
I dare
to go off the air
right there
I was believing it
unessential yet
I'll pull my luck out of
thin air
wherever I go
let me know
Wherever I go
INFLATABLE by blackdog
This is skin was made with JASC'S PAINTSHOP PRO 7 and ALIEN SKIN
SOFTWEAR'S EYE CANDY. It features fully skinned main, eq, pl, mb, and avs windows and
custom animated cursors.
Useless info:
this is my third skin. its called ...