this is my 1rst skin ever!!(i done it without anybod´s help!!)
it is full of bugs because get bored to make it perfect!
skin is made entirely in ps 9.0 with defaults!!
dont rip it
dont sell it as it is your
dont edit it with my permision
if you like it enjoy!!
stone design
Thank you for downloading CaesarAmp!
Please read me! You might learn something!
This skin is an attempt to capture the classic
beauty of Rome...and apply it to a functional
If you are wondering what the Latin words mean,
here they are. I d ...
Brought to you by: Ray Agnes
Completion Date: 12/22/01
Slogan: "Music is energy...flowin ...
My first WinAmp Skin I actually finished (I started 2 times before, but never finished...)
I'm proud to say that this is a complete 2.9 skin - AVS, Library, Video Output and Minibrowser are all skinned when running WinAmp 2 ...