Amburners Phoenix 2: Garet Jax
Updated for Aesthetics
This skin is made for my very good friend Ampburner...Hope you like it m8.
I hope u like it, download and comments also appreciated.
Copyright 2003 Garet Jax
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Solomon Winamp Skin v1.0
Created by John Theodorski
11 July, 2000
I have absolutely no idea where the concept or name for this skin originates; just playing around with some styles. ...
AZURE-AMP v1.2 by Barta
Part of the COLOR-AMP collection : WinAmp in 10 flavours.
Playlist's font is Orbit ...
Author: John McCord, III
Email: info-is@in-file
Web Page:
Released: May 9, 1999
Information: For use with Winamp 2.x
About the Name: Dark Side of the Moon, 1973 album by the band
Pink Floyd. If you haven't heard o ...
Created by Shaun Martin (Switch/Switched)
in 2001 - my first skin
Email: info-is@in-file
* dont submit to any sites
* no ripping
* keep all files 'as is' ie. dont change them
* Enjoy! ...