Amburners Phoenix 2: Garet Jax
Updated for Aesthetics
This skin is made for my very good friend Ampburner...Hope you like it m8.
I hope u like it, download and comments also appreciated.
Copyright 2003 Garet Jax
Modern StereoAmplifier by Salamander.
Skin for Winamp 2.9.
Making this skin I use Ulead PhotoImpact 7, Corel PhotoPaint 11, Microangelo 5, Vis Toolkit (by Andrew Mackowski) and Maxim's Region Maker (by Maxim).
If you like my skin please tell me!!!
my ...
Welcome to the readme of Sony Orange v 2.1
This Hi-Fi skin is based on a Sony Minisystem.
This skin was made by Dean Gibson. I thank the author of Sony Deck v1.24 for the Sony badges. Thanks to for supplying the original metal backgro ...
Well, I'll say it fast, 'cause my english isn't so good. Bass is a character of the megaman series, you may now him as Forte.
If you see any problem or you want to sugest a theme for a skin (specially Megaman), contact me at:
info-is@in-file ...
Finally, a new winamp skin! This one is of Ruri from Nadesico. Cute, isn't she? :)
Please do not put this skin on your page without my persmission!
info-is@in-file ...
Extravagant Amp: Homestar's Party
Skin by Doggy Dog
Remix by flatmatt
Version 1.01
May 15, 2004
Doggy Dog says:
A long time has passed since I made the 2.5 version. Then I thought it was finished and ...