*** BlackAmp Red ***
Welcome to BlackAmp! I wanted to create a clean and neat Winamp-skin. This is the result.
As some people didn't like the original colors of my skin I created this version with red displays.
>>>Black is Beautiful ...
extol v1.0
made by peacemaker
copyright (c) 2002
extol is a dark skin (stating the obvious) for most of you people. It started as an X on the main window with no detail what so ever. I figured I could make so ...
Tech-Class #16 by SMAR
Okey, I've been working on this for some time nad I couldn't get a name for it.
But after some time I gave it this name. I really don't have much to say about this.
I like this one myself very much. It ...
RonaldoAmp (Brazil) v1.0 - Released April 1999
Created by Gilbone (info-is@in-file)
thank you for downloading this skin. if you would like
to check out Ronaldoland, my really cool Ronaldo site,
go to http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Pressbox ...