by Josh Smith
I got one of the new CCCDs (Copy Control CDs) from Japan a while ago, and while it took me all of 10 minutes to figure out how to copy the CD so I could burn it and play it in a regular software player rather than just on the included software, I kind of liked certain design elements of the built-in player (an image of it, cccdplayer.png, is included for comparison), and thought a slightly less gaudy version might be perfect for Winamp.
Well, I liked the results so much (I've used it for over a month now), I figure I'll share the skin.
A few notes:
Nusunda means "stolen" in Japanese - I figured that was an appropriately ironic name, given the fact that I based the design on a player associated with a Japanese CD designed to stop copying.
This is also the meaning of the Chinese character in the upper left corner (I used it because I couldn't come up with a good way to use the original design - it was too large of an icon to use with Winamp, and altering/resizing it yielded less-than-aesthetically-pleasing results).
Also, the default font for the player is MS PGothic. If you don't have it, I believe Winamp defaults to OCR A Extended or some such.
I didn't skin any cursors.
Aside from Web Messenger Inc., who presumably designed the original CCCD player skin, thanks go to Nullsoft, from whose Classic skin certain elements were taken (albeit in somewhat altered form).
---XARIUS 15---
Creator:Kamil Kozlowski ALIAS Coyote
Finished:16.08.2000 20:21:03
THANKS for downloading
my latest creation.
You're probably wondering
what does the skin name mean, doesn't mean anything.
I just wanted it to sound
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