10:33 PM 7/6/2005
Hey Every body I have just completed another skin after working on it for the second night,I hope you all like, I made it because I am a fan of the X-Men & and there weren't any skins on Gambit (good ones anyway).Enjoy!!! ...
This skin IS protected under copyright law.
This means that if you rip me,
I CAN (and WILL) sue!
If you have seen a rip of this skin, PLEASE email me at
This skin was created by
Justin Hopper
This skin was ...
Kate Beckinsale AMP v1.0
Alex Luu - info-is@in-file
Please DO NOT use this skin or any of its parts
for your own projects or publish it as your own
work. Thank you and enjoy. ...
|~~~~~°*Gravy Amp v.1.0*°~~~~
| °°* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*°°
| by --> C_Specter
Thank you for downloading Gravy Amp v.1.0!
I hope you find it quiet nice. This skin was created because of an endless boredom in the summer holida ...
Yellow Waves : Winamp Skin
Author: Imdillus ( info-is@in-file )
v 1.0 : Mikro included
v 1.1 : correct 2 bugs on PL buttons (thx Dawid Bleja).
Updated EQ sliders
Cleaned up the main and PL window
v 1.2 : added eqmain-full.bmp. Now E ...
Wheeeee! Zelgadis looks soooo cute here! He is one of my favorite
characters from Slayers! Poor golem boy ^^
March 6, 1999
http://yaoi.anime-manga.net/winamp ...
* * * R E A D M E * * *
_________________________ ____ __ _
B L U E W E S T v 2.01
* about the skin and the tools.
* other skins.
* why I´ve made a minibrowser html.
and how to use it.
- ...