ReadMe!.txt Doxital ==!Beta!==
This is a preview or beta version of a skin I'm working on.
Do not change anything to the skin without my permission.
If you are going to build the skin further youself I'll kill you.
Ju ...
So you want a skin with areas that are simply put, transparent? Well, this is a highly tricky task. The file you need is called region.txt and the way to do it is a lot like playing connect-the-dots.
Region.txt provides a set of names such as Normal, W ...
When a war ends...
betwen the dust and the mudd...
where the grass used to grow...
there only remains the blood of the fallen.
and while the land remains dirty of sin...
no seed will grow.
(¯(¯_¤ BloodSta ...
Nave X
Más allá de Plutón se ha descubierto un décimo planeta.
Lo llaman el planeta X.
Lo que no saben es como nos llaman ellos a nosotros...
Por Verónica Mogni
2003 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Espero que lo disfruten.
Gracias por bajarlo.
O ...
Great !!!!
BuHeHeAmp skin ....
Simply this is BuHeHe Amp ... my first skin ... i hope that there are no errors on it ...
If you´ve got something to tell me .... please write me on info-is@in-file
Peter Kuk
TeamBG Presents...