**************************NVGreen.wszby L.Larsson 08/26/04**************************NVGreen Skin by 337,New for Winamp 5!works best with WinAmp 2.9 &a
by L.Larsson 08/26/04
NVGreen Skin by 337,
New for Winamp 5!
works best with WinAmp 2.9 & up.
All windows are skinned.
All New Graphics..& New Cursor set!
Installation: v2.5 & above
1. Copy/paste NVGreen.wsz to the WinAmp
Skins directory.
2. Launch WinAmp, and type Alt-S for the
Skin Browser.
3. Double-click on the 'NVGreen.wsz'..
or just click on file to Auto lauch.
Informacion Adicional en el archivo:
Este documento especifica algunas cosas mas:
Una creacion de Guanacolandia por
``````````````````````````` N E X U S - Blue ````````````````````````````
I didn't want to copy a particular deck so i mixed
up different decks and stuff...I may release an
orange LCD version if i get some spare time...
I also animated the EQ,Vol ...