CityAmp v2.0 by Lufbra BantamThankyou for Downloading CityAmp. It was built over several hoursusing little more than Paint Brush and a lot of trial and error.It
CityAmp v2.0 by Lufbra Bantam
Thankyou for Downloading CityAmp. It was built over several hours
using little more than Paint Brush and a lot of trial and error.
It is my own little tribute to the promoted Bradford City team of 1998/99.
Since v1.05 the buttons have been changed and support for the minimised
graphic equalizer is also a new feature. Look out for future editions with
Thank you for downloading CaesarAmp!
Please read me! You might learn something!
This skin is an attempt to capture the classic
beauty of Rome...and apply it to a functional
If you are wondering what the Latin words mean,
here they are. I d ...