..................................................................... B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1 for Winamp 2.x ................................
B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1
for Winamp 2.x
_ Designed by Jairo Ochoa, info-is@in-file
_ The pictures are from the cover of the CD 'The Blues Brothers Complete'
(c) Atlantic Records.
_ It's recommended to use Winamp 2.x
You'll get the last version on www.winamp.com
_ Thanks to:
W. Skinner 1.01 beta info-is@in-file
mp3.com Skin www.mp3.com
Vigo, October 1999
B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1
para Winamp 2.x
_ Realizado por Jairo Ochoa, info-is@in-file
_ Las caricaturas perteencen al CD 'The Blues Brothers Complete'
(c) Atlantic Records.
_ Se recomienda Winamp 2.x
Encontrarás la última versión en www.winamp.com
_ Agradecimientos:
W. Skinner 1.01 beta info-is@in-file
mp3.com Skin www.mp3.com
Vigo, Octubre de 1999
****COLD FUSION 2.01****
designed by:
Richie Jackson >COLD FUSION 2.01 RELEASED!!!!
-- As you all know... when Winamp 2.01 came out
there were changes in the "Skins" format. This
release tak ...
Author: Jeca Samoylenko
This is my third skin for Winamp 2.
I made it using Ulead PhotoImpact 7.0 & Microangelo 5.0 (to make cursors)
If you have found some bugs tell me!!!