>>>Skin Info:Kaolla:<
(as mentioned above), but that was a necessity to honour her greatness.
.The best part of the skin (in my opinion) is the winshade EQ. The worst
world have to be the winshade Main Window, but I can't be bothered ...
K-Aus 038 Amp Build 2 (9/24/05)
Created by Kyllian
Work in progress so stfu
Second version of K-Aus 037
If you think this is pretty good work, remember this, about 90% of this skin I figured out on my own, no asking for help, no tutorials, no sk ...
name: Psi-amp
By : Salvatore
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 36602778
Skin is easy to use and of course looks verry nice on
your desktop. Minimized the eq-main-playlist create a
display with many functions shown.
Comments/ideas are welcome.
oth ...
INFLATABLE by blackdog
This is skin was made with JASC'S PAINTSHOP PRO 7 and ALIEN SKIN
SOFTWEAR'S EYE CANDY. It features fully skinned main, eq, pl, mb, and avs windows and
custom animated cursors.
Useless info:
this is my third skin. its called ...
"Jaded" version 1.0
29 July 2002
Created by Dimichan
This file done specifically for 1001's file size requirements, so some of the bmps are 16 bit color, though I didn't see any degradation.
Thanks to the people in the Skinlove forum!
Pleas ...
Blakamp Skin
This skin was created with Corel Draw 9.0 by Heright F. Kohler, during 5 hours the day 15 of January of 2003.
I dedicate this and all my skins to my sweetheart Carolina, who is all the inspiration of my life.
This Skin ...