Winamp 2.x skin
By : AmpBurner (info-is@in-file)
2nd of may 2000
This Is my second skin, and it is also my second skin with the "booze-theme"
After the creation of BacardiV1.0, I didn't have any inspiration left... so
I grabbed a bottle of Bacardi (the bottle the Bacardi V1.0 design was based on)
After finishing the bottle I took a bottle of vodka and continued...I began to
get "inspired once again". I turned on the computer and started making a
gold/red skin. I decided to dedicate it to my inspiration, the great Smirnoff
Vodka... I proudly present : >
Everythings there: main vis, equalizer,playlist editor, minibrowser.
Windowshades were also skinned, but not as well as the main/eq/pledit vis
I just hate skinning those winshades, all the spaces are used for buttons
etc. and there's just no room for a little creativity. still...i reckon they
worked out allright (I suppose...)
Note: You might have noticed that the volume and balance sliders are missing,
I did that on purpose, because I never use them myself anyway, and I feel they just
screw up the design of the skin... This is the thing: When you don't use them
(like me), and you leave the volume at 100% and the balance centered, the
sliders are invisible. However if you turn down the volume or change the balance,
An indicator appears... this way you'll only be bothered with those indicators when
you're using them...pretty neat eah!
(send me an email,and I'd be happy to give you permission...just let me know,ok?)
Thanks and credits go out to Smirnoff, and of course Russia, the home of vodka
(The Smirnoff logo is a registered trademark of Smirnoff...yadayadayada)
Other skins by Steef: Bacardi V1.0
Cloudy Sky
By Russell Codd
April 2002
My second skin up to date, this one is a bit better than the first. All areas of the winamp interface are skinned, including the cursors (kind of). I based this one on the clouds desktop pictu ...
Washington DC
by NemoOrange
Version 1.0
November 2005
Made with Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.0
nemoorange.deviantart.com :: my art
visbot.net :: world class AVS presets ...
Down Poison
Chobits - Chii
by Kyrddis
26 January 2003
It's Chi from clamps Chobits. She is so beautiful and always looks so innocent. I need four days for the skin... that was hard work, but now everything fits in and I'm more or less satisfied. Onl ...
Greenback Amp v1.0
This skin is the first of its kind (to my knowledge) and Winamp has been
screaming for a skin like this. However i cannot take credit for this
original idea. The credit and inspiration for this skin belongs only to
my wonderful ...