Skin Caracteristics
Skin Name: UT-Warlock
Date of Realisation: 29th July 2002
Graphic Editor used: Paint Shop Pro 7.0
Skinning Tool: Skinner
Cursor Editor: Axialis AX-Cursors 4.5
This skin is inspirated from my favorite computer game: The Unreal
Tournament. The head of the UT bot is from the "Dark Evil Legion" UT skin.
I play with this bot. Warlock is the name I use in this game. It's the
Name of my Guitar (B.C.Rich Warlock Platinum Widow)
Hope you like it
Enjoy !!!
United States Naval Academy Skin v.1.0
Hello. This is a Winamp Skin for the U.S. Naval Academy.
Its my first skin. The color mapping is a bit off for the play list.
Other than that, I think everything is OK...any com ...