.:: Stubborn Version1.0 ::. by Cynthia C. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This WinAMP skin was finished on
.:: Stubborn Version1.0 ::.
||||| by Cynthia C. |||||
This WinAMP skin was finished on 10-01-2002.
The metal texture and the toggle buttons have been borrowed form "Cramer's Sony Discman" by C. Cramer and reworked into this skin
This is my very first WinAMP skin!
Enjoy it!!!
Sum of Parts by StillWater
This skin includes a skin for the Amarok plugin.
Thanks to everybody who commented/criticised it at the winamp.com WA2-skins forum while it was in progress.
You can get all of my skins here:
http://www.1001winampskin ...
Sailor Uranus AMP 1.0
OK, in Neptune AMP I complained I couldn't remember which order the planets are in. But I'm so close to finished, I no longer care. In about a week, they'll all be finished. Then what? Maybe some of the other characters, group shots ...