Skin Name = CFv11 (aka Cold Fused)
Skin Verison = 11.0
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp Equalizer - Skinned
Winamp Playlist - Skinned
Winamp Minibrowser - Skinned
Winamp MiniEQ - Skinned
Winamp Mini PL - Skinned
To use a Skin Developed By Garet Jax Follow the Instructions Below:
Note. If your using a version prior to 2.X you may not be able to see the full Skin package.
Step I. Extracting the Skin
1. If version greater than 2.x (No Need to extract just place the zip in your skins Directory)
2. You will need winzip or an equivalent software package to install the skin if prior to Winamp is version 1.X.
3. Extract the Skin to a directory on Computer. Preferred is as follows:
a. C:Program FilesWinampSkins {If default was used to install winamp)
b. or Another Directory.
i. If another directory is used you will have to point the skin browser to use an alternate skin directory location.
ii. To do this Press Alt+S and Click the button "Set Skins Directory".
c. Proceed to Step II.
Step II. Using the Skin
1. Open Winamp
2. Press Alt+S
3. Select the Skin you wish to use.
License / Registration:
1. You may use and do whatever the hell you like to my skin.
2. If you change or modify it please just drop me a line through E-Mail.
3. I would greatly appreciate it if you include the new skin that you made.
4. You can order a Skin developed for you or your company for a nominal fee (See Corporate Developement).
Corporate Development:
Winamp - Skinning
Basic Skin $50 (Corporate Colors)
Advanced Skin $100 (Corporate Colors & Logo)
Professional Skin $300 (All Pieces Skinned & Advanced Logo Generation With a Webpage that is Linkable to Corporate Website.)
NeoPlanet - Skinning
Basic Skin $100 (Corporate Colors)
Advanced Skin $300 (Corporate Colors & Logo)
Professional Skin $600 (Corporate Colors, Animations, Advanced 3 Graphics, and Corporate Web LinkList, with Channel Definitions.)
Thank You,
Joe W. Garrett
Winamp Skin Developer
Web Developer / Java & DHTML
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