Iphaistos v1.0 Public Release
- by Matteo, Shea, X-Caponius -
Visit our sites for more skins:
We'd like to thank all of those who
have supported us in the past. This
is dedicated to all the skinners
and artists that inspire us.
If you want more skins of any type,
visit www.deviantart.com
Thanks and enjoy!
Behind-an-Amp 2100 : Digital Synthesis (BAA2100-DS)
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
Thanks for D/L'ing!
Also, Please don't post this skin on your site or use parts of it in your skin without my ...
This Skin was generated using SkinAmp. SkinAmp is freeware, so if you want to get it, just mail me!
My email: info-is@in-file
If you want to visit my homepage, please goto
There you can find the newest versions of ...
by : schezo
started : June 1, 2001
version1 : June 4, 2001
This is my first celebrity skin!
real nice isn't it?
cheerful ...
-=Dune V2.5 BETA Created By Enigma=-
BETA Testers Needed, read Info.txt
Thanks to those who e-mail/icq me with comments
and suggestions...
read the INFO.TXT for more info
-=17125594= ...
-------AlladvantAMP for winamp 2.X-------
This is my first skin I ever made. I don't think it's that
good but, It's a start. I made this skin to promote
Alladvantage (you'll learn more about alladvantage
later). It is a basic skin with everything s ...