******************* the original rag doll amp *******************
******************* v1.16 *******************
******************* designed by hidden_violence ...
Por Verónica Mogni
Comentarios? Sugerencias? info-is@in-file
Septiembre 2002
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Incluye un AVS:
Renombrar AbismoAmp.wsz a AbismoAmo.zip
Extraer *.AVS ...
Keenwood KDC-2019 + x459 eXcelon
Have fun and enjoy as much as I enjoy skinning it.
"Keenwood KDC-2019 + x459 eXcelon" for winamp is based from pic ...
Well this is my 4th skin its a little late to be putting out a matrix skin but oh well it is the best movie ever made. You can send comments my way via email info-is@in-file or you can check out my web site http://sk8.home.dhs.org and by june or july http ...
Greenness version 2.
Almost one year ago I said that I’ll never do any redesign of my skins ever. Well at that time I didn’t know that I’ll be overloaded with work six days in a week. Yes, I’m slave of double shift and I don’t have free time anymore. A ...
Creator: Forever Chaos
Email: info-is@in-file
Skin Name: Vermilion
Created: For MrsBladez, who gave me the idea.
Notes: This is one of six skins in a spectral series.
To find the other five skins in this series, please do a search for "Spectral ...