.:AltairPresents,February2004:.------"AltairXymetry[al478full]" ByAltair------Happy future is impossiblewithout a equality be
"AltairXymetry[al478full]" ByAltair
Happy future is impossible
without a equality between
good and bad,
all the opposites must be
symetry of life,
complete skin with all windows
[except avs.bmp]
and with new cursors
for winamp2.91
made of yellow, grey
plastics and grey metal
..to be continued..
>> ALLORA Version3.4
WEB : http://chromosphere.jp/
Thanks so much your downloading!
Version 3.3 ------------- 2004/10/7
info-is@in-file (Tokyo, Japan)
*Akane Ikuta / Hiromoto Katakura.
This skin sucked to make. It's got some issues I'd like to iron out, but it's a start. I had to make quite a few compromises, namely static type buttons to accomodate a reasonable shadow. The Play List was a bitch!
Best Wishes,
spacejazz [a.k.a kendal ...