J-M-E Systems V1.2 The AwakiningSkin for Winamp 2.x(c)2003 Jonnyo (AKA: Jon Jopling)Date 22 Aug 2003 -----------------------------------------------------------
J-M-E Systems V1.2 The Awakining
Skin for Winamp 2.x
(c)2003 Jonnyo (AKA: Jon Jopling)
Date 22 Aug 2003
Please feel free to comment via e-Mail or leve
comments on the website where you downloaded this skin.
Copyright Notice
The enclosed is FREE for personal use.
This skin is made by Jon Jopling.
Do NOT distribute, change, rename without my expressed permission.
If you want to re-distribute it on your web page,
please drop me an e-mail and let me know the URL of your web page.
No portions of this skin may be used without express, written permission.
eMail : info-is@in-file
Jet Set Willy - The Winamp Years
(c) 2003 Neil Harvey
The Year was 1983, or maybe '84, I forget,
computers were measured in Kb, not Gb, games
were just breaking out of the pong/inva ...
This skin was made with Photoshop and Jellby's Skinner's Atlas, for Winamp 5.2.
Marta Martins aka Encore
Email me --> info-is@in-file
Or visit my page @ DeviantART --> http://encore.deviantart.com
:) ...