Title: Life on the FarmGame: Harvest MoonAuthor: kayakEmail: info-is@in-fileUPDATED: Repaired one of the cursors. Now includes MikroAmp skin and Mbinner.Harves
Title: Life on the Farm
Game: Harvest Moon
Author: kayak
Email: info-is@in-file
UPDATED: Repaired one of the cursors. Now includes MikroAmp skin and Mbinner.
Harvest Moon is one of those annoyingly repetitive but addictive rpg games. It's about farming surprisingly enough. You can raise cows, chickens and even children. When I saw the image, I knew I had to make a winamp skin out of it. Who could resist two kids riding a fat cow?
I decided on a black and white color theme to match the cow. The end result was very simple and plain. Mostly because I couldn't think of anything else to add. There are lots of animated cursors (maybe a little too many) all made from game sprites. I hope they're not hard to use on the winamp.
The image is from online and I believe is from the PS version of Harvest Moon. All the game sprites are from the SNES version of Harvest Moon.
Paint Shop Pro 7.04
IconCool Editor 3.4
All images are �, � Natsume
Life on the Farm
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