---------------------Spiderman 1.8---------------------I have now updated the playlist editorI hope you like the changes 6:11 PM 8/13/2005This skin can only be p
---------------------Spiderman 1.8---------------------
I have now updated the playlist editor
I hope you like the changes 6:11 PM 8/13/2005
This skin can only be published on sites with my
permission and must give full recognition to Me!
sumea.amp3 -- now with avs! 11/30/2000
This skin caught my eye immediately. I loved it!
But I couldn't help but tweak it to my liking.
The most significant changes: the analyzer,
eq/pl, shuffle ...
Strong Bad          LuigiHann
by LuigiHann
Based on the Compy 386 era of the Strong Bad E ...