Skin: Author: Jeca SamoylenkoThis is my third skin for Winamp 2.I made it using Ulead PhotoImpact 7.0 & Microangelo 5.0 (to make cursors)If you
Author: Jeca Samoylenko
This is my third skin for Winamp 2.
I made it using Ulead PhotoImpact 7.0 & Microangelo 5.0 (to make cursors)
If you have found some bugs tell me!!!
ooo BABY BLUES ooo
The first skin ever by Scruffy the Dog!
Everything in this skin is my own work,
created solely with Adobe Photoshop and
with Icon Forge. Many, many hours were
put ...
Blue skin. By heavyoak
Cool cursors huh.
If you want a copy of them make a copy of this skin and open it as a .zip.
Change the .cur to .ani for them to be animated.
If you want more cursors , or info on how to make a skin, E-Mail me at info-is@in-fil ...