24 November 1999
Reebok AMP V1.1
Author Notes: This is my third winamp skin.I did in in MS paint
Paint Shop Pro and Skinner .If you have Any Comments
or suggestions on my skin feel free to E-mail me.
>If you can help me more on how to create skins please E-Mail me
>If you like the skin
>If You have any good skins for me
>if you have any new skinner templates
>if you think Reebok RULE
The skin holds copyright on the logos an pictures that have been
feel free to edit or distribute this skin on homepages and other
places aslong you leave the readme.txt as it is .and put it on
your skin and make a link on your homepage of mine Homepage
Eugene Tomes
Alberton South Africa
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Home Page - www.Geocities.com/Eugenezerocool
a simple little skin by potatoe
Decided to make a skin that looked a bit more like I
wanted, and it came out alright (I think so at least).
questions, comments, criticisms?
info- ...
-----------------------10:52 AM 6/1/2006----------------------
Finally it's finished I've been workin on this skin over a couple of days,Its a remix of a very old skin Called Dark Flare which was released way back in 1999,after seeing this skin I thought ...
Ray X Stream is another skin i've just made lately ............. its a great concept and i hope u like it...................... it does not include a minibrowser or avs skin (under development) ............... u can contact me at : info-is@in-f ...