Panasonic XBS2000Version BAfter a long lay off, I returned to revamp one of my favourite skins to give it a more up to date feel. This gave rise to XBS2000 versio
Panasonic XBS2000
Version B
After a long lay off, I returned to revamp one of my favourite skins to give it a more up to date feel. This gave rise to XBS2000 version A. I have now added the skin for the AVS window.
Panasonic XBS Winamp Skin
Version 1.3
Author Bill Watson
Email info-is@in-file
27/6/99 Began work on a skin based on a stereo i bought a couple of years ago
28/6/99 chose final colour scheme and completed major elements (Logo,titlebars, buttons)
30/6/99 Completed skinning of main window, equalizer and shaded windows
released as V1.0
1/7/99 Completed skinning of all elements
released as V1.1
7/7/99 Amended title bar buttons to correct positions :o)
24/7/99 Amended random/repeat buttons on main screen and preamp buttons on equalizer. Amended minibrowser address bar colour scheme to match rest of skin.
XBS 2000 Version A
April 2000 Major Update to change skin to brushed silver look
ps if you like this check out my first attempt at a skin:
Pioneer ReplicAmp versión Especial by KSO
Lo he actualizado del skin realizado por Wasit. Simplemente lo he arreglado
para que también tenga una piel la lista de reproducción, el EQ, el bus ...