Skin created by Alishah Novinon a sunny July day, when noone was home, and he was bored.Hope you like my skin! I used Adobe Photoshop 5.0 for most of it,and Pain
Skin created by Alishah Novin
on a sunny July day, when noone was home, and he was bored.
Hope you like my skin! I used Adobe Photoshop 5.0 for most of it,
and Paintbrush every now and then.
Thanks to Kepher Rupp, the maker of The Silence winamp Skin!
I love your skin. I've had it as my winamp skin for so long, I can't remember
when I first downloaded it. I got some of my cursor ideas from The Silence.
Hope you like BootcAmp!
~Alishah Novin
think karo ..
This is the official bkaro dot net winamp skin.
It's made in the Ice design like our whole site.
Note: if you have problems with the animated
cursors: Re ...
This is bananmp v 1.0. I must asmit i wrote it in MS paint, so don't
expect to much, o well, I did skin evrything except the AVS window.
I even made the cursors. However if you did for some reason like my
skin.. you can download it from http://ahmadr ...