Title: Chocobo Delight
Games: Final Fantasy series and lot of Chocobo games
Author: kayak
Email: info-is@in-file
I fixed the Media Library bug so now it doesn't look crappy under Winamp version 5. The playlist went through a little change, ...
Winamp 2.x skin
CamelAmp v1.0
Author: Matt Brown
Purpose: Boredom
Based on: Camel Cigarettes
// Requirements:
// install notes:
Throw the *.zip file into y ...
Czarnystok v.1.0
(c) by Smaug/Yoss
As you can see, there is some bugs in here, but
i'll try to fix them in the next version :-)
And no minibrowser and AVS windows supported (yet:-)
To tyle z angielskiego ( i tak wiecej niz Wajda na rozdaniu