Ironage Amp Colorwave - Info====================================This is my second well designed amp. I like it very much and it's my favorite. The colors are nic
Ironage Amp Colorwave - Info
This is my second well designed amp. I like it very much and it's my favorite.
The colors are nice and bright, and have a 3D look.
Ths skin had many bugs, and I had to repair them all. That took me much time, but it was worth it.
I wish you much pleasure with my skin...
Version: 2.01cup
Colors Used: Blue, Green, Yellow,
Orange, White and Black.
Designed By: Bart Verkoeijen (Oikoyama)
E-mail: info-is@in-file or info-is@in-file
Last updated: 26 nov 2001
OS Designed: Windows xp and 98SE
Programs used: PSP7, MS-DOS and Notepad.
COPYRIGHT: None! Copy as much as you
want! ;-) (Shareware)
OS DESIGNED: Microsoft Windows xp
2nd OS: Microsoft Windows 98SE
SKIN SUBJECT: Colorwave 3D
DESIGNED BY1: Bart Verkoeijen
DESIGNED BY2: Oikoyama (>-
Message about this version: Last Update Message:
The skin is now finaly finished. I'm very proud of it, and I like my skin very much. I hope you'll too, because it took me a long time to make it...
v. 1.01a
The first version of this amp. Only the main window is almost finished.
v. 1.21a
The Equalizer is almost finished.
v. 1.21b
I've made the rounded edges of the main window and the equalizer.
v. 1.21c
The playlist is almost finished. Working on the buttons in the bottom
v. 1.90cup (cup = copleted update)
Evrything is finished. The amp works perfect.
v. 1.99cup
The little bugs are repaird. The amp is now perfect.
v. 2.01cup (This version)
The playlist has now shadows, and the amp is now so finished, that we can sart with the new version. The skin is now ready to publish on the web.
*** Ivi ***
A Winamp Skin with climbing ivy ...
... it's green (and purple)...
--> Version 1.0
--> This skin was made by Miara (info-is@in-file)
This is my second skin form winamp 2.x.
It is free.
Enyoy it! ...
This skin is a tribute to the best modern synthpop band of today, Iris.
Everything on this skin was made by me, Pencilgod, excluding some of the band pictures. Everything standard is skinned for Winamp 5, excluding cursors. That means that the Minibrows ...
:::::Illuminator RX:::::
by: c-specter (Christian Schönrank)
'Illuminator RX' was made for Artexgen artpack #4
skin finished: 10.15.02
this skin includes ski ...