:: Transparency 2.01a::_____________________By Andrew MackowskiThis skin, in part or in whole, may not be sold or distributed without the Author's expressed writ
:: Transparency 2.01a::
By Andrew Mackowski
This skin, in part or in whole, may not be sold or distributed without the Author's expressed written consent.
Takasan Shimabukuro TEXTZ
Admiring people's work, I create one for myself.
You can distibute this skin freely, but please do not modify.
First Ever Skin By TakaSan Shimabukur ...
(yet another Tori Amos Winamp skin)
(and my best Tori skin so far)
skin creator: Nini
contact: info-is@in-file
or: http://de.geocities.com/katranousch
version: 1.11. (R ...