Batman - The Dark Knightİ
by the Digital Dragon
Software Interface (skin) for the WinAMP music player (http://www.winamp.com)
Released: April 10, 2001
Thank you for downloading Batman - The Dark Knightİ for WinAMP. This skin was designed to work with Winamp 2.7 but should work with older versions without a problem. This skin was produced as a contribution to 'Toon (and comic) Month at the Winamp.com Skin Love forum. Enter the brooding realm of the Caped Crusader.
Thanks, as is always the custom of late, to Mr. Jones and Duk from the Winamp.com Share Your Skin Love forum. Funny dudes, and they even manage to be helpful. Also thanks to Cappy17 and BullGawd. It seems I'm always thanking the same people, so they must be the only ones interested in following my thread past its day one novelty. The Skinlove crew is, far and away, one of the finest cyber communities I've ever dealt with, so a general pat on the back to the whole crew.
You may contact me at:
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Legal info:
The design of this skin is copyright İ2001 by Spencer Sutton. All Applicable Rights Reserved.
This skin can be distributed freely only in its original archived form. It may not be sold, modified/altered, or packaged/combined with any other product without the written permission of the author.
Batmanİ is the sole and exclusive property of DC Comics or its grantors and the artwork used in this skin is not intended for commercial or promotional purposes, which requires the written consent of the afore mentioned party. Further, the reproduction of any such material on a website or networked computer environment is prohibited. You may, however, download a copy of such materials on to a single computer for private personal, non-commercial use, provided you do not remove any copyright, trademark or other notices from the materials downloaded. All Batmanİ art included in this archive was culled fom various Internet sources, including DC Comics Online: http://www.dccomics.com
The Dark Knight
- = Battousai = -
- Simple skin for Rurouni Kenshin.
The pic is from the Ova.
(If u wonder where it from)
- luiGi
email: info-is@in-file
- You can find me at Warcr ...
Great !!!!
BuHeHeAmp skin ....
Simply this is BuHeHe Amp ... my first skin ... i hope that there are no errors on it ...
If you´ve got something to tell me .... please write me on info-is@in-file
Peter Kuk
TeamBG Presents...
+++++ Banana Split v1.0 +++++
+++++ for WinAmp v2.x +++++
Released: 27 March 2002
Designed and Created by:
Gav Castle
Only my second completed WinAmp v2.x skin.
Banana Split is not a full 3D skin but uses bevels and little shadowing to creat ...