[FAP]CLAN Skin 1.2
by Mainyehc
Version 1.12 April 2003
Updated 3 May 2003
- Introduction (and my e-mail, IRC nick and server, etc)
- A note on bugs and skinning
- Version history
- Acknowledgements
Skin Name: Fluid Art
Skin Author: Shane Wang
Email: info-is@in-file
ICQ: 2819031
Website: http://fluid.thinkdan.com
Info:This is my first winamp skin. Did this as apart of my Fluid Art Litestep theme. Have fun. ...
This skin is based on an image of Red XIII, by Nomura Tetsuya.
As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.
To enable transparency (if you have WinAmp 5) change the name of _region.txt to region.txt.
//TheSlo ...