C O N N E C T - Xinfo-is@in-fileC O N N E C T - XThe new simplistic skin from skinme!If you want to talk to me about this skinyou should find me in the SHARE
C O N N E C T - X
C O N N E C T - X
The new simplistic skin from skinme!
If you want to talk to me about this skin
you should find me in the SHARE YOUR SKIN
LOVE forum at Winamp:
MrJones, for his relentless help with the
MikroAmp and eq_ex.bmp ;)
dekt, for the name
ampburner, for saying "stunning"!
flatmatt, for his bug report
cyana, wildrose-wally, ddeaco, BullGawD,
garetjax and the rest of the Skin Love
Community for the input
Abi (my best friend), for the idea for a simple
red (her favourite colour) green (my favourite
colour) and yellow (it's cool ok!) skin
My mum, dad, all the fans out there, you the general
public.... just joking ;)
Thank you for downloading this. Every download counts!
WWW: http://www.virtue.nu/connectx
EMAIL: info-is@in-file
Complexion by Mike
for winamp 2.50
I have made this skin with Paint Shop Pro/Photoshop
here is other skins I have done:
1 Mike Metal
2 Mike Amp
3 Brightmetal
4 Yamaha
5 Dark Flare
You can download them on : ----------- ...
.: c a d e n c e :.
by avatar aka fyre
Finally finished
this skin. Right
on Christmas. Added
AVS and MB to make
the final skin.
You may make changes
to this skin but
please don't upload
yours and take credit
for it.
Visit my website ...
CityAmp v2.0 by Lufbra Bantam
Thankyou for Downloading CityAmp. It was built over several hours
using little more than Paint Brush and a lot of trial and error.
It is my own little tribute to the promoted Bradford City team of 1998/99.
Since v1 ...