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---- XPoX - V1.0 ----
Comments to - info-is@in-file
Special thanks to:
Me for creating it
Me for thinking of it
Me for erm.... well.. everything
oh yes and YOU!
Why are you even reading this?
Go do something useful...
...like go fishing....
...or even breed maggots....
...i dunno....
....pies are nice....
.... no realy go do something useful ....
..... there must be something ......
.... like wait for my next skin.
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
This is Xqwizit. Why do you call it xqwizit
you might ask...well...because it is. :D ;)
It has all components skinned: main, pledit,
eq, avs, and even the MikroAmp plugin YaY ...
X-Skin (Asereht) - collab: Garet Jax/Peacemaker
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp Equalizer - Skinned
Winamp Playlist - Skinned
Winamp Minibrowser - Skinned
Winamp Video - Skinned
Winamp Medi ...
Xtd 9199 v1.0
Xploring new technichs is accually the reason why i made this skin...
i had this idea during my vacations and i think it turned out ok.
Other X-caponius' winamp skins
Red X ...