yaxay Ver. 1.0 by Jacob Aspler Released: Friday July 5, 2002 Also included: mikroamp skin and yaXay AVSEmail: info-is@in-fileDo not change and distribute this w
yaxay Ver. 1.0 by Jacob Aspler
Released: Friday July 5, 2002
Also included: mikroamp skin and yaXay AVS
Email: info-is@in-file
Do not change and distribute this winamp skin
without my permission. If you wish to have this
winamp skin for download at your website then
contact me for permission.
Copyright � 2002 Grey Design, All Right Reserved.
If you are reading this and find that that this skin lack the "yaXay" title,
or that my e-mail "info-is@in-file" is missing from the Playlist window or that someone has
altered/taken cridit for work included in this skin please contact me through my e-mail
address to tell me so. Lets keep our art work protected from riping & plagiarism.
Thank you,
Jacob Aspler
Created for the yaXay competition, July 5 2002
Created with Photoshop 7.0
MikroAmp skinned, yaXay AVS
Jacob Aspler AKA e-raser
E-Mail Jacob Aspler
YELLOW-AMP v1.2 by Barta
Part of the COLOR-AMP collection : WinAmp in 10 flavours.
Playlist's font is Orbi ...
This Skin was partial generated using SkinAmp. Skinamp is freeware, you can download it on my homepage!
My email: info-is@in-file
P.S.: I'm NOT the author of this skin!!!
Thank you for reading,
D ...