Handbook digi 4 by Philipptre-mail: info-is@in-fileFirst thing: Don't... ...hear vanessa amorosi with this player... ...be angry with the handbook cause im a
Handbook digi 4 by Philipptr
e-mail: info-is@in-file
First thing:
...hear vanessa amorosi with this player...
...be angry with the handbook cause im a
german, 12 year young boy...
...be angry when you've heard enrique Iglesias
and now your mp3 player is broken...
...rip this skin, (you can remix it but please ask me
before u do) i think its ok when you get inspired
of it but dont rip it...
...be angry only because this hifi-set hasn't got
an aux-port...
...be angry only because the minibrowser and
the playlist haven't got scan lines...
Thanks for buing this Hifi-Music-set.
With its design you can use it in
every area : desktop, living room
or any place on the world. All
functions are working with these two
ways: Plastic buttons or Touchscreen-
In this set is:
1 Main Mp3 Player
1 Equalizer
1 Resizeable Playlist
1 Resizeable Minibrowser
1 Avs Studio
How to use:
1. Main mp3 player:
1.1 ¿ Main functions ¿
in the left corner you can see some plastik buttons
they are labeld with the main functions:
1.2 ¿ Speed open ¿
if you want to open very quick a mp3-, wav-,
m3u-, pls-, mp2-, mp1-, wma-, mjf-, as-, voc-,
cda-, mod-, stm-, s3m-, it-, xm-, mtm-, ult-, mid-,
midi-, rmi-, hmp-, hmi-, xmi-, mss-, mus-, cmf-,
miz-, hmz- or a mp+ - file you can click on the
open button next the plastic buttons in the
little display.
1.3 ¿ Toggle Shuffel and Repeat ¿
the two buttons for this functions are in the
display next to the open button (see
"speed open") :
ŠŠ ŠŠ = Shuffle off
ŠŠ ŠŠ = Shuffle on
Cirquel with two arrows = Repeat on
Broken cirquel = Repeat off
1.4 ¿ Toggle Volume and Balance ¿
Two bars to toggle this very important
function are in the middle of the touchscreen
in the main part. The left one is for the volume
and the right one for the balance.
Dont be angry when you moved the left bar to
the left...
1.5 ¿ Open The Preferences ¿
Press the D-Button (top-left) then click on
options and then preferences.
From there you can change the most important
Desert Amp™ 1.00
Witam jest to ju¿ moja druga skóra do WinAmpa. Spêdzi³em nad ni¹ znacznie wiêcej czasu ni¿ nad pierwsz¹ (Rejs Amp™), ale myœlê, ¿e by³o warto. Pomys³ powstania by³ bardzo p ...
Dimension X
For Winamp 2x
Author - Jabreel Alijahn
Started Project - About a week ago
Completed - 12 July 2003
Thanx for downloading and using this skin.
Alot of hard work and time was put into this skin, so please don't
rip or alter this skin an ...
***Demon v 1.0****
The DEMON has arrived and it's
designed to destroy Mp3,wav & etc.
This abomination was engineered in
Photoshop 5.5 and its attributes
the creator is a shadow that cannot
be seen but ...