-WinampDotCom- by dlinkwit27
I made this skin as a tribute to the new winamp.com look.
Much thanks goes out to all the members of the skinlove forum and to Jellby
for his skinnersatlas. Without Them this skin would have never made it out of my hea ...
*** Waterdrop ***
A Winamp skin inspired by a drop of water...
--> Version 1.2
--> This skin was made by Miara (info-is@in-file)
Changes in version 1.1:
- Adjusted colors to make the single pieces look nicer.
- Added two animated cursors
Windows 98 skin for Winamp v. 1,4
Author: Misiek N.
Date: 24.IX.2000
Where: Swidwin (Poland)
Hi. Thanks for downloading the third version of Windows 98- amp skin. I wanted this skin to look like the integral part of Windows 98.